Old Warehouse Antiques
We have an "old" warehouse filled with antiques.
Old Warehouse Antiques is the leading antique store in Northeastern Colorado for Clothes, Furniture, glass and more. We offer an exclusive selection of well-known antiques at affordable prices. Contact us today!

Top Quality Antique Store
Old Warehouse Antiques is the leading Antique Store in Sterling for Fine glass, Furniture, and Collectibles and more. We offer an exclusive selection of well-known brands at affordable prices. Contact us today!

About Us
When you walk into our warehouse you feel like you are stepping back in time.
Our sheer volume of antiques and collectibles in the warehouse is astounding. All of our furniture is set up in specific settings, like separate rooms or vig-nettes. Our kitchen vig-nettes are from the 40’s and 50’s. Collectibles abound including a huge number of antique clocks and collections, 40 cookie jars, elegant glassware, Cambridge and the more common Desert Rose. We even rural collectibles like tractor and farming items. We have huge collections of Aladdin lamps, and the replacement parts. If it’s old, we collect it!
We also have a huge amount of oak furniture and quite a bit of walnut and even mahogany. Their big seller is oak furniture. We have 5,000 items in one place.
When you get a chance, stop by. We promise you’ll be glad you did.